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This is the part of the page where you come in! If you have stories about meeting SKY, art, poems etc, send them in to me here and I will post them on the page! Your contributions will be greatly appreciated!

[[My Own Contribution]]
It was around 2:30 PM, when I went to the mall on November 3, 1998. I had originally planned to go to HMV and buy the U2 cd, but it was $30 and I needed money for sending a package. So anyway, I was looking at the cd's, I turn around and see someone walk in. I say to myself "Hey, I've seen him before." Then I realized that it was James, and soon after, Antoine followed. I was in total shock, because I never expected them to walk into the store! Anyway, they were talking with some of the employees at the store. When they were done, I went up to Antoine and asked him to sign somthing for me blah blah blah! That's how it ended I guess. I talked to them for like 2 minutes, and then left! It was a very cool thing! What made it so cool was that it was totally unexpected! :) It was really cool too because they were so nice about everything! :)

Here's the piece of paper that James and Antoine signed for me! Click on the thumbnail to get a bigger version.

[[Kaelyn's Contribution]]
I have been a fan of SKY since I saw the "Some Kinda Wonderful" video sometime last winter and thought, "Whoa! Weird lyrics. And who's that hot guy in the black sweatsuit?" The more I saw of SKY, the more I liked them. As soon as I saw "Love Song" on Much Music, I knew I had to get the CD. I had "Piece of Paradise" in my hot little hands by April. SKY quickly became my favourite band. I loved the funky pop beats, and the inventive, twisted lyrics. I loved the fact that they too were Canadians and respected them for writing all their own music. I quickly became infatuated with James' bleached-blond good looks. I went on vacation in July to Toronto and drove my mother crazy by playing a tape of SKY's songs over and over again. I talked about SKY, thought about them and fantasized about them constantly. I never shut up! When I got home, I decided to check out the SKY website for tour dates. I had hoped to see them in Hamilton while they were touring with Britney Spears, but it didn't work out that way. Then I scrolled down and saw it: "Monday, July 19. SKY in Thunder Bay (my hometown!) @ The Outpost." It was about 8:30 pm Sunday, July 18. I immediately ran up the stairs screaming hysterically! When I recovered the power of speech, I breathlessly informed my parents of this amazing news! We checked the paper. Indeed, SKY was playing at the local club and bar tomorrow night at 9 pm and tickets were only $19! My dad called the Outpost (I was unable to stop shaking and hypervenilating) and found out tickets were still available, at places like HMV, Music Baron and Disc-Go-Round. I got up early and caught the bus at 9 am to be at HMV in time for the 9:30 opening. But when I got there, about ten minutes after they opened, I found they had just sold the very last ticket! I was about to break down and cry. But my mom called around and managed to secure me two tickets from Disc-Go-Round for me and my best friend Heather (who didn't mind SKY, but was more of a Korn and Limp Bizkit fan). We got to The Outpost around 8, an hour before the opening act went on. The lines were already huge! We were lucky that there was a separate line for minors and for people over 19 and that the minors line was so much shorter. Heather and I managed to squeeze into the front row, right beside the speakers, where we had a great view of the entire stage. After hours of listening to the DJ and the opening act, a local band called Undercover, we were all dying of thirst, our feet were aching and we were dying to see SKY! The guys kept tantalizing us. There was a window in the stage door and we could see at times Antoine looking out and James rocking out to a Backstreet Boys song that was being played. Finally, at 10 to 11, SKY came on! James wore the orange pants and shoes he wore in the "Push" video, a red t-shirt, a jean jacket and yellow-tinted glasses. Antoine wore cargo pants, his trademark black hat and a tank top that showed off his tattoes. They sang Push, Shave, Love Song, I Will Survive, America and Some Kinda Wonderful, as well as some songs I didn't recognize but assume to be their two new tracks, "Dreamin'" and "Strange", and another song they told us they had never played for anybody before. The microphones were pretty bad so we couldn't always hear what they were saying and the speakers were blasting in our ears, but it was worth it to hear James' sweet, sexy voice and have Antoine leaning down, singing in our faces. I was ecstatic that I got to touch them (James twice, Antoine 3 or 4 times) as they ran their hands along the crowd. I grabbed hold of James and all but pulled him into the crowd! I definitely noticed James' shyness on stage. He wouldn't make eye contact with anybody and he didn't smile very often, but when he did, it was incredible! Antoine interacted with the crowd more and was really hyper and full of energy, dancing around. He was crazy! I was completely wild, jumping up and down, screaming, singing all the lyrics (which I knew by heart) and smacking Heather in the face in my enthusiasm! It was an amazing concert, and I hated to see it end. I couldn't take any pictures to remember the night by (signs at the front said anyone caught with a camera would be immediately evicted--eek!), but I feel it was the highlight of my life so far. I only wish I could meet the guys face-to-face.

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